Sunday 13 September 2015

SCOAN 13/09/15 - Forget The Past By Evangelist Gbenga

Evangelist Gbenga
Evangelist Gbenga delivered a message, titled: “Forget The Past” His proof test was taken from Matthew 9:12-13 – “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick… I desire mercy and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” In Evangelist’s Gbenga’s message we learn that Jesus came to conquer our past. Jesus came to restore the relationship and fellowship between God and man. God does not consult our past to determine our future! Your past life of sin does not embarrass Jesus Christ because He has solution. There is never a sin Jesus Christ cannot forgive. To God’s power, nothing is impossible! We have seen a sinner’s character being healed in the name of Jesus. We have seen a drunkard becoming sober, a harlot becoming chaste, an angry man becoming gentle, a liar becoming truthful – simply by trusting in Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ does not want us to look back; He does not want us to take journeys into the past; He does not want us to think or talk on the level of our old lives. Never you think, talk or act on the level of your old life, for old things pass away and all things have become new.